Sunday, July 22, 2012

More Rust removal/repair.....

Well, I finally decided on the PPG Omni line of Epoxy primer and picked it up yesterday at a Napa nearby. I also picked up some Klean Strip phosphoric prep & etch from Home Depot to use in place of Ospho, because I cannot find Ospho anywhere local and this is the same stuff. I did get the section of the roof cut out that was in the pics from the last post and was able to make a patch for it. However, I did not get it welded in yet, because I ran out of time today and needed to let the Ospho do it's job anyway.
Here is a of pic of what I managed to accomplish today. I know it's not much, but these things take time, cut, hammer, grind, cut, hammer some more....... you know the drill.

(After I welded some pin holes and built up some low spots with the welder. No pic of the patch at the moment)

I should be able to get the Epoxy on by next weekend to seal it before I weld the patch in. After that's all done, I will need to move on to this section in the picture below. It's the top of the rocker panel where the A Pillar welds in at the bottom. It's heavily pitted due to all the rust damage that caused this mess to begin with. The water got trapped in there as well and started to eat away at it to..... Anyway, the Forum member I got the donor pieces from cut more than I originally needed. Now I'm glad he did, because I have a rust free section of the rocker panel that I can cut this same piece out of to use as a patch... WoooHooo, I don't have to try to fab this, it would be a real pain to fab with limited tools....

( The Rust pitted rocker panel )

More to come in the next few weeks........

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Secondary page added

For all of my followers (3 to be exact) I've added a secondary page on the side that links to the progress on my '67 Coupe project. Check it out when you get time :~)